Bleaching in Berlin
The way to a bright and shiny smile
A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloration. It is called "dental bleaching".
Schedule an appointment online and book your teeth bleaching in Berlin!
Tooth bleaching
external discolorations
External discolorations are caused, for example, by:
Stimulants such as tobacco, red wine, coffee, tea, cola
Foods such as beet, dark juices and various berries
Spices such as curry, turmeric
Medications such as iron preparations, chlorhexidine
Internal discoloration can result from:
• General diseases such as rickets, biliary and
kidney disease
• Medications such as tetracycline
• Dead tooth nerves
• Cavities
• Dental bone deposits inside the tooth
• Amalgam fillings
Bleaching in Berlin
Internal discolorations

For bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, we first analyze your tooth discoloration - depending on the cause, a professional teeth cleaning can lead to brighter teeth.
If bleaching is advisable, we basically offer two options:
So called InOffice bleaching: this means teeth whitening takes place directly in the practice (time required: approx. 90 minutes). We use Philips Zoom for this option.
Home-Bleaching in Berlin: Here you perform the bleaching at home with specially made bleaching trays (time requirement a few nights).
Bleaching in Berlin
Teeth whitening procedures

Tooth discoloration
The causes
Are you interested in bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS and wondering why your teeth appear dark in the first place? We distinguish between external and internal discoloration of the teeth.
What happens during teeth bleaching at the dentist?
Our teeth become darker over time due to the deposition of colorants. These dyes come, for example, from coffee and tobacco, but also from spices such as curry and many other foods. During a dental bleaching, these dyes in the tooth are discolored. The actual bleaching takes about 90 minutes. Afterwards, your teeth will shine in their original white.
How long does the effect of teeth bleaching last?
The effect of bleaching usually lasts for several years. If the teeth discolor again after some time, for example due to heavy coffee consumption, we provide special splints to refresh the bleaching. This does not require a full repitition of treatment, because splints can be applied at home.
Are there any risks associated with teeth bleaching?
How much does teeth bleaching cost at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS?
For professional bleaching, the teeth must be without cavities and the gums must be free of inflammation. The bleaching is then harmless for the teeth. During and for a few days after bleaching, the teeth may be more sensitive. In our practice we have special toothpastes and gels for such cases.
Bleaching in Berlin at the BLEIBTREU DENTISTS ranges from 150 € (single tooth) to 499 € (complete with Philips Zoom), depending on the treatment. In addition, there may be the cost of professional teeth cleaning. If only a refreshing of the bleaching is necessary, a fresh-up splint for approx. 20 € may be sufficient.

What needs to be taken care of before and after treatment?
Before a bleaching in Berlin at the BLEIBTREU DENTISTS a dental check-up is useful to check possible medical reasons against a treatment. A few days before bleaching, a professional teeth cleaning is recommended, because the optimal effect is only achieved on perfectly clean teeth.
Bleaching in Berlin
The way to a bright and shiny smile
A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloration.
It is called "dental bleaching".
Schedule an appointment online and book your teeth bleaching in Berlin!

Bleaching in Berlin
Teeth whitening procedures
For tooth bleaching at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, we first analyze your tooth discoloration - depending on the cause, a professional teeth cleaning can lead to brighter teeth.
If bleaching is advisable, we basically offer two options:
InOffice bleaching: teeth whitening takes place directly in the practice (time required: approx. 90 minutes). We use Philips Zoom for this option.
Home-Bleaching: Tooth bleaching is performed at home with specially made bleaching trays (time requirement a few nights).
Both methods differ in the concentration of active ingredients and duration. While the results of in-office bleaching in Berlin are visible immediately after treatment, home bleaching requires a little more patience because the active ingredient is in a lower concentration in a splint that is worn overnight or during the day.
Let our team consult you on both options!
Bleaching in Berlin
Teeth whitening procedures
A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloration. It is called "dental bleaching".