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Invisible braces


Bleaching in Berlin

The way to a bright and shiny smile

A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloration. It is called "dental bleaching".

Schedule an appointment online and book your teeth bleaching in Berlin!

Invisible braces

Why are my teeth shifting?

Teeth are not firmly stuck in the jaw, but can shift over years due to pressure. Often the reason is a lack of space, which leads to displacement, especially of the front teeth, over longer periods of time. Due to the cramped position of the teeth, anterior teeth start to be rotated by the pressure, or they tilt away to the front or back.

To ensure that the treatment result lasts a lifetime, we hold your teeth in their new position after tooth correction using either removable or fixed retainers. The removable retainer does not have to be worn all the time, of course, but only at night.

​Tooth position correction

Gentle and invisible
Zähne vorher& nachher

For bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, we first analyze your tooth discoloration - depending on the cause, a professional teeth cleaning can lead to brighter teeth. 


If bleaching is advisable, we basically offer two options:

So called InOffice bleaching: this means teeth whitening takes place directly in the practice (time required: approx. 90 minutes). We use Philips Zoom for this option.


 Home-Bleaching in Berlin: Here you perform the bleaching at home with specially made bleaching trays (time requirement a few nights).

Bleaching in Berlin

Teeth whitening procedures

Frau Kaffee

Tooth discoloration

The causes

Are you interested in bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS and wondering why your teeth appear dark in the first place? We distinguish between external and internal discoloration of the teeth.


How much does the treatment with invisible braces cost?

There is an individual solution to your specific problem. Before the start of treatment, we will prepare a cost plan for you.

How long does the treatment with invisible braces last?

Aligners, or invisible braces are usually worn for 6 to 18 months.

Can I eat and brush my teeth with those braces?

Do the teeth have to be made narrower for the treatment?

Invisible braces are taken out for eating and brushing your teeth.

If there is a lack of space, "slicing" may be necessary. This involves minimally narrowing individual teeth in particularly bulbous areas without affecting the health of the tooth.

What needs to be taken care of before and after treatment?

Before a bleaching in Berlin at the BLEIBTREU DENTISTS a dental check-up is useful to check possible medical reasons against a treatment. A few days before bleaching, a professional teeth cleaning is recommended, because the optimal effect is only achieved on perfectly clean teeth.

Invisible braces

The gentle tooth position correction

Have you wanted straight teeth for a long time? Or you would like to correct that one crooked tooth in the front? Tooth position correction with the help of so called "Aligners" can do just that. 'Invisible' means that, in contrast to conventional treatment with fixed braces, the teeth are moved using transparent braces: This is referred to as invisible orthodontics. The average duration of treatment is 6-12 months for uncomplicated cases with a focus on anterior aesthetics.

Invisible Braces

The procedure of LEADING DENTISTS

At BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, you have Dr. Gerrit Schaefer as your contact person, a dentist who specializes in treatment with invisible braces. At the beginning there will be a meeting in which your wishes and the treatment options are discussed. The desired end result can be simulated in advance.

During aligner therapy, appointments are made every 4-8 weeks to monitor progress. Apart from a temporary feeling of pressure during the first brace, the treatment is completely painless.

The invisible braces are worn for at least 22 hours a day and are usually only taken out for meals.

Here you can see results of our treatment

Bleaching in Berlin

Teeth whitening procedures

A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloration. It is called "dental bleaching".

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