Bleaching in Berlin
The way to a bright and shiny smile
A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloration. It is called "dental bleaching".
Schedule an appointment online and book your teeth bleaching in Berlin!
Teeth cleaning in Charlottenburg
What happens when you clean your teeth
With professional teeth cleaning, the areas that you can hardly reach or cannot reach yourself are cleaned and the plaque is removed with professional equipment. We also advise you on how to improve your dental care at home, and together we will decide which tools are best for you.
We understand sustainable dentistry to be prevention rather than repair medicine. Professional teeth cleaning is an essential part of this.
The preventive effect of professional teeth cleaning at risk-dependent intervals has been scientifically proven.
Effective teeth cleaning
Sustainable teeth cleaning as a working basi

For bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, we first analyze your tooth discoloration - depending on the cause, a professional teeth cleaning can lead to brighter teeth.
If bleaching is advisable, we basically offer two options:
So called InOffice bleaching: this means teeth whitening takes place directly in the practice (time required: approx. 90 minutes). We use Philips Zoom for this option.
Home-Bleaching in Berlin: Here you perform the bleaching at home with specially made bleaching trays (time requirement a few nights).
Bleaching in Berlin
Teeth whitening procedures

Tooth discoloration
The causes
Are you interested in bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS and wondering why your teeth appear dark in the first place? We distinguish between external and internal discoloration of the teeth.
Teeth cleaning | How often?
A recommendation on the frequency of professional teeth cleaning varies from person to person. It depends on several factors, including the extent to which you care for your teeth at home, your tendency to develop tartar or your susceptibility to periodontal disease.
Teeth cleaning in Charlottenburg | Where?
At the BLEIBTREU ZAHNÄRZTE practice we perform professional teeth cleaning in Charlottenburg. We work with the latest dental equipment, thus enabling gentle but effective teeth cleaning. Our dental hygienist will then work with you to develop a plan to optimize your dental care.
How is teeth cleaning done?
What are the advantages of professional teeth cleaning?
With a teeth cleaning, the teeth are gently freed from hard and soft deposits. These are the deposits that you cannot reach yourself or that can only be removed with professional equipment. For example, tartar can be gently loosened with an ultrasound device. Discoloration can be removed with jet of fine powder. With us, teeth cleaning always includes advice on how to optimize your own dental care.
Regular professional teeth cleaning has been proven to reduce the risk of tooth decay and tooth loss and is therefore an important part of preventive dental care. In addition, good teeth cleaning ensures a pleasant and fresh feeling in the oral cavity

What needs to be taken care of before and after treatment?
Before a bleaching in Berlin at the BLEIBTREU DENTISTS a dental check-up is useful to check possible medical reasons against a treatment. A few days before bleaching, a professional teeth cleaning is recommended, because the optimal effect is only achieved on perfectly clean teeth.
Teeth cleaning
For sustainable oral health
Prophylaxis is an important component of sustainable dentistry, as together with your daily dental care it prevents diseases of the oral cavity. Regardless of age, the risk of tooth decay and tooth loss is significantly reduced, because prophylaxis is the opposite of "repair medicine".
Interested in teeth cleaning in Charlottenburg?

Teeth cleaning in Charlottenburg
Quality-enhancing methods at BLEIBTREU ZAHNÄRZTE
With a professional teeth cleaning in Charlottenburg, you will be looked after by professionally trained specialists. Our dental hygienist Simone Freter B. Sc. and the prophylaxis team are looking forward to your visit. The treatments are carried out protecting the soft tissues and the hard tooth substance. Our quality-enhancing methods include:
With the latest airflow device even persistent discolorations can be gently removed with a jet of fine powder
With our ultrasound device, hard deposits that have hardened can be loosened carefully
With our routine periodontal disease screening, gum disease is detected at an early stage
We are specially trained for the treatment of periodontal disease
Schedule your teeth cleaning appointment in Charlottenburg
Here you can see results of our treatment
Bleaching in Berlin
Teeth whitening procedures
A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloration. It is called "dental bleaching".